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Dixie was referred to me by a client. She called me to say that her two big dogs were being very dog aggressive toward one another and had started fighting.
The fighting was very traumatic for Dixie and started a downward spiral of sorts. The fighting left Dixie nervous around the dogs, and the lack of leadership, and her nervousness, is what was triggering the fights. It was clear training was necessary to stop the unwanted behavior.
I was able to show Dixie how to change her energy and establish herself as the pack leader. She now knows how to read her dogs' body language and can deliver a correction to stop any unwanted behavior before it escalates. She is working diligently on mastering the walk and claiming space. She reports the dogs are now getting along much better and her confidence is building daily. I am very proud of her and the progress she has made!
Luna is a higher energy dog, so Brandon and Dixie are getting a treadmill to supplement Luna's daily walks. The added exercise will help meet Luna's need for more physical activity and help keep her more relaxed.